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What Is FTP

What Is FTP?

File Transfer Protocol, or ‘FTP’, is a standard Internet protocol for transmitting files between computers on the Internet over TCP/IP connections. It relies on two communication channels between a client and a server; a command channel for controlling the conversation, and a data channel for transmitting file content.

FTP allows a user to upload, download, delete, rename, move, and copy files on a server.

Why Should I Use It?

FTP allows for larger files to easily be transmitted and offers more flexibility with its configuration.

How To Access FTP

You can use different third-party client software to connect through FTP, though we recommend using Filezilla since it works best with our system. You can learn how to connect to your FTP using Filezilla here.

How To Upload Files To My Website

Each FTP client is differently set up, but each should have the same basic configuration. The following steps will use FileZilla FTP Client, an open-source program.

  1. Download FileZilla from the following link:

  2. Install the program on your computer.

  3. Run FileZilla.

How To Use FileZilla FTP

  1. You will be using the Quickconnect feature in FileZilla as soon as the program opens. Fill in the following information at the top of the screen:

    1. Host: Enter “ftp.[yourdomain].com”

    2. Username: Enter your cPanel username

    3. Password: Enter your cPanel password

    4. Port: Leave this field blank

  2. After filling in the information, click “Quickconnect.”

3. After connecting, you will want to double-click the "public_html/" or the "www/" folder. This is your root access point for your website and serves as the top level of importing any files. You will then drag the files that you want from the LEFT side of your screen to the RIGHT side of the screen. This should upload your site files.

Does WestHost Allow Anonymous FTP?

At this time, WestHost does not allow Anonymous FTP access. Anonymous FTP would allow direct access to a portion of your website without requiring a username or password. Without authentication, you would be putting your account at more of a risk of being hacked as you do not know what other users would upload to your website.

If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to contact our support teams through live chat or by submitting a support ticket within your WestHost CHI dashboard.

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