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Parameters of Alerts

Alert templates contain a list of keywords. These keywords can be replaced by the user when branding the alert messages. The new values are displayed when the e-mail alerts are sent.

Generic keywords

Account keywords:

%recipient.title% - recipient  (account) login name


Contact details of the recipient of the message (account):

%recipient.address%,,,,, %recipient.domain%,,, %recipient.state%,


Sender (reseller) Keywords:

Contact details of the sender of the message (the reseller who owns the account):

%sender.address%,,,,, %sender.domain%,,, %sender.state%,

Account keywords:

%recipient.title% - object (account) login name


Contact details of the object(account) that has the problem:

%object.address%,,,,, %object.domain%,,, %object.state%,


Sender (reseller) Keywords:

Contact details of the sender of the message (the reseller who owns the account):

%sender.address%,,,,, %sender.domain%,,, %sender.state%,


Account keywords

%recipient.title% - recipient  (reseller) login name


Contact details of the recipient of the message (reseller):

%recipient.address%,,,,, %recipient.domain%,,, %recipient.state%,


Sender (reseller) Keywords:

Contact details of the sender of the message (the parent reseller):


%sender.address%,,,,, %sender.domain%,,, %sender.state%,

Account keywords

%recipient.title% - object(reseller) login name


Contact details of the object(reseller) that has the problem:

%object.address%,,,,, %object.domain%,,, %object.state%,


Sender (reseller) Keywords:

Contact details of the sender of the message (the parent reseller):


%sender.address%,,,,, %sender.domain%,,, %sender.state%,


Each message may have additional message-specific keywords:


Quota-related messages (both account and reseller) have the following keyword:

%param.exceed_percent% - The percentage in which the account has exceeded its quota (disk, bandwidth)


File-damaged messages have the following keyword:

%param.files% - The file(s) that are damaged

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