If you receive an "untrusted connection" error when you are attempting to log in to WHM or cPanel via a secure [https] address, then you can add an exception and continue through to connect.
The error may look something like this:
The error is due to how WestHost sets up the default SSLs for Cloud and Cloud Reseller accounts. To allow for secure connections, there must be a default SSL included with the provision of each new account.
WestHost handles this by utilizing a wildcard SSL for the generic domain *.underconstructionlink.com. Therefore, the address will be your-IP-address-as-text.underconstructionlink.com.
A better example is if your IP address is, the generic link for your server will be 123-45-67-890.underconstructionlink.com.
As you can see from the image above, when you connect to https://yourdomain.com/cpanel or https://yourdomain.com/whm it will redirect to the default SSL for the WHM/cPanel services.
This can be changed with the order of an SSL for the hostname of your account [usually something like host.yourdomain.com] and then having that new SSL replace the one for WHM/cPanel services. If you do take this route, however, note that you will need to connect to WHM/cPanel through https://host.yourdomain.com/ in order to avoid the untrusted connection error.
A couple of final options would be to merely add an exception so that your browser connects regardless, or to disable SSL logins. Please contact Tech Support if you still have trouble!