Receive $85 commissions from WestHost!
As a Premium Web host, we like to reward those who refer new Web hosting clients to WestHost through our Affiliate Program. An affiliate can receive an $85 commission every time a new referred individual signs up for hosting. There is no requirement of having to be a WestHost client to join, so both clients and non-clients can participate.
In order to become an affiliate, an Application form must first be submitted. A special tracking code is then provided after logging into the affiliate control panel. This code can be added to any web site, search listing, or e-mail campaign. Every time an individual goes through that code to sign up with WestHost, an $85 commission will be credited to the associated affiliate. That is $85 per sign up! There’s no limit to the amount of person(s) referred. Both clients and non-clients alike can receive continuous commissions from WestHost.
The Affiliate Program can benefit any individual looking to earn extra money. It can help businesses generate extra revenue during these hard economic times. This is also a perfect program for those in Web design or photography who need a hosting provider for clients and projects. Overall, there are many advantages to this program for those who decide to use it.
Click on the links below for more information regarding the WestHost Affiliate Program:
Affiliate Info:
Affiliate FAQ’s:
Fill out the form, place a tracking code, and begin earning $85 dollar commissions today!