Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Google +
If you are using social media tools to help blog or website visitors share your content and/or have WordPress integrated for Facebook, you have taken one important step in driving traffic to your site.
But if you are limiting your efforts to Facebook, you are ignoring an increasingly important social media platform – Google+.
Although Google+ has not diminished Facebook’s power, it is steadily climbing in users. In fact, Mashable called Google+ “one social network you don’t want to ignore.”
For your website, Google+ offers features for promotion that Facebook just cannot deliver.
Using Google+ can actually boost your search rankings through its system of Google Circles and +1s given to your content.
Note that the privacy page of your Google+ profile states “Your name and any other fields you make public in your profile are searchable on the web and may appear in Google Search results.” And of course, that’s exactly what you want them to do.
Google uses the data that all Google+ users provide along with what they +1 to tailor search results for them. Building your circles and connections through Google+ will bump your content up every time it gets a +1 or a share.
Every share or +1 given to your content boosts your site’s social signal with Google, while you as author gain in rankings and prestige for every +1 on a post or comment.
If you have neglected Google+ up to now, go ahead and make a Google+ profile then make a Google Page for your website. Use Google+ to announce new content and promote your site.
Finally, make sure you have added a +1 button on your website so that visitors can +1 your content. If you’re using WordPress hosting, you can find a plugin here that will create a +1 button and make it easier to cross post your content to Google+.
Facebook is still a top platform for promoting your site, but adding Google+ to your social media sharing repertoire is the icing on the cake.