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Synchronization Basics For The WestHost Cloud System

This article discusses how DNS is synchronized between sns1/ and each Cloud hosting system.

The important password is the root user’s password. If DNS is broken on your Cloud account, ensure that the root user's password was NOT updated through shell or WHM. If so, then it is likely that the zone files stopped syncing. No new DNS changes can be made from your Cloud to the WestHost DNS.

To fix this:
1. Login to the server via SSH as root with the new password and change the password to the one reported in the original welcome e-mail [or the most recent password updated correctly via >> Change Password(s).]

2. Log in to >> Change Password(s) and check the box next to Cloud Hosting Reseller root password. If you change your password this way it will ensure that our tools will still work as they are supposed to.

Once these two changes are done the next time our backend sync runs it will pull the updated zone files from this Cloud without problems.

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