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How To Use The Event Log In Site Manager

The event log provides detailed information on all activities that have been made by the Server Manager in a specific time frame. Each event is fully detailed and includes data on the Open API command for the event.

Date and Data Filter: Filter the data viewed in the table via time frame and data -

  • Click the buttons next to dates to select a specific time frame to view event log data.

  •  Select the variety of filter options and click the Filter button. For example, this image displays a filter that displays all passed Add activities that were made by the administrator.


The table displays the following properties:

  • Status: Passed  or failed .

  • Action Type: The type of command, such as Add, Delete, etc.

  • Object  Type:  Server Manager element (For example, reseller).

  • Object  Name: Server Manager element's name. For example, a specific reseller name.

  • username: Server Manager username that executed this command

  • Time:  Date and time when the command was executed.

You can remove or add columns to this table by pressing the   Customize Table button.

To view, more details on the action click on a specific Action Type. You can also view more details on a specific Object Name or username by clicking on its specific link.

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